Wednesday, February 20, 2008

About me:

I think a lot. You have no idea! I think obsessively about the complexity of every possible outlook of EVERYTHING. I can't help it and don't want to. I want to know and understand everything that is worthwhile and productive. I have an insatiable desire to be wise. I think and read and debate (with myself and others) in an effort to understand others and myself and explore ways to make life more profound, more meaningful, more honorable and a more worthwhile accomplishment and process. I want to spend the rest of my life drastically improving how I go about living it. I want to emerge with the knowlege that I tried my hardest at doing my best at what was the most worthwhile. I want to know what matters most, do what makes the biggest diferrence for the good of all and ultimately... I want to know that I lived my life in the wisest way I possibly could have. This is why I constantly gather new information, weigh it against everything I know and re-evaluate where I am in my life and who I want to be in relation to my goals. This is what drives me. This is what makes me tick. My past failures serve to drive me onward and upward. I want to get as far away from them as possible, while taking thier lessons with me. They also serve to make me more understanding and compassionate about the mistakes and selfishness of others. I don't apologise for wanting to be close (and feel close) to God. I have put many years into re-evaluating (over and over) the logic and likelihood of God and the potential risks and gains of believing and seeking God verses not believing and seeking. I feel I have found God and at the same time, I long for God as a dry plant thirsts for water.

This never changes, no matter how many hours I pray or how I pray. I ask God to help me pass this desire on to my children, along with the constant searching for wisdom and striving to be loving, forgiving, caring and wise. If you are reading this; I want God to forever have His hand on your family and mine, and to not let us go. Pray with me for your family and mine... God, help us to be the kind of people that make the world a better place. Put in our children- the desire, courage and strength to become productive, constructive, caring, loving people... who love and respect and long for God and take excellent care of our families and the world's most helpless. If we veer, momentarily from our course, let us not be discouraged but let us learn from the experience, that it drive us on to live more honorable lives that proclaim the love and mercy of God through the love and mercy we live out towards others. God give us and our children hope, encouragement, courage, strength and the desire it takes to do what you intend for our lives. In Jesus name and by the power of His Spirit. So be it. ~Corinna~